MOAH:CEDAR Current Exhibition:
Uncovering Existence: Selections from the Museum's Permanent Collection.
Antelope Valley Union High School District
March 20, 2018 - April 20, 2018
The Lancaster Museum of Art and History (MOAH) and MOAH:CEDAR are excited to announce the Museum’s 33rd Annual All-Media Juried Art Exhibition. The exhibition kicks off with an opening reception celebrating local artists on Saturday, May 5 from 4 to 8 p.m. Beginning at 6 p.m. an awards ceremony will take place where over $1,000 will be awarded to participants. The exhibition will run from Saturday, May 5 through Sunday, June 3. This year’s jurors include local, and regionally recognized artist, Tina Dille, and Director of Los Angeles-based artist marketing firm, Shoebox Projects, Kristine Schomaker.
Artists interested in submitting work should note that the Museum will only accept entries online, through CaFE ( For those unfamiliar with online submissions, information sessions detailing the process will be available at MOAH on April 25 from 3 to 6 p.m. Participants will have the opportunity to submit their work through CaFE’s online system during these sessions with the assistance of MOAH staff. The entry period for the 33rd Annual All-Media Juried Art Exhibition runs from now through April 27. For more information regarding information sessions and submission guidelines, visit A $2 processing fee will be charged for a single submission with guaranteed acceptance. Each additional submission (up to three pieces total) will charge an additional $5, which will be submitted for jury.
The exhibition, will be on view Saturday, May 5 through Sunday, June 3 during MOAH:CEDAR’s regular hours of operation, Thursday through Sunday from 2 to 8 p.m. Community members are invited to view the art and share photos on Instagram using #MOAHJuried2018. Visitors are also encouraged to vote for their favorite pieces using #MOAHPeoplesChoice, as the artwork with the most votes on Instagram will receive a special prize following the exhibition.
Images - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 3
Audio - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 3
Video - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 3
Total Media - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 3
Entry Fee (CEDARFEST Application Processing Fee): $2.00
Media Fee (per sample over minimum): $5.00
The Lancaster Museum of Art & History (MOAH) and MOAH:CEDAR are hosting the 33rd Annual All-Media Juried Arts Exhibition, from Saturday, May 5 to Sunday, June 3. The opening reception will be held on Saturday, May 5 from 4 to 8 PM. The Museum invites local artists to submit their work for consideration in this annual event. A panel of jurors will review the work. Selected artists will have the opportunity to exhibit their art in MOAH:CEDAR gallery, as well as, be eligible for expanded award opportunities.
ONLY ONLINE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. See "Submittal" below for more information.
Tina Dille has been painting animals for over thirty years - gaining recognition from galleries and exhibitions across the state. Mainly working with watercolors, Dille has had the great honor of being featured in the prestigious California Watercolor Association National Exhibition. Best known for her large scale Raven paintings, Dille has exhibited this body of work at Lancaster Museum of Art and History (MOAH), the Bakersfield Museum of Art and Ridgecrest’s Maturango Museum. Dille lives in the Tehachapi Mountains.
Kristine Schomaker is an Art Historian, art advocate and multidisciplinary artist living and working at the Brewery artist complex in Los Angeles, California. She earned her BA in Art History and MA in Studio Art from California State University at Northridge where she studied under Betty Ann Brown and Samantha Fields. Leading an active life in the arts, Kristine has taught art history at Antelope Valley College and Pasadena City College, formed an artist collective in Los Angeles and has organized and curated numerous art exhibitions throughout Southern California. For three years, Kristine was the President, social media, advertising and marketing manager of the Brewery Artwalk Association, running the semi-annual Brewery Artwalk. Most recently, she founded Shoebox PR to help visual artists create a presence in the art world.
Selection Process:
Local artists, meeting all eligibility requirements, will have one piece guaranteed acceptance in the exhibition. Artists who submit more than 1 piece will have their addition artwork juried into the exhibition.
The Jurors will select which artwork will be exhibited by careful examination of all submitted entries; including those submitted for the 17 and under category. With no exceptions, Jurors have the sole responsibility for the selection of artworks. MOAH and MOAH:CEDAR reserve the right to not display work that does not meet eligibility requirements or follow the guidlines herein.
Works must have been completed within the last three years and not previously exhibited at MOAH or MOAH:CEDAR. CEDARFEST is open to all artists working with all arts media, including photography, video, audio, painting, drawing, mixed media 2D, mixed media 3D and clay. Artists of all ages are welcome to submit, 17 and under must have their parent's permission. Applicants must reside within the Fifth Supervisorial District of the County of Los Angeles or within the following ZIP codes:
91321 91350 91351 91355 91381 91383 91384 91387 91387 91390 93501 93505 93510 93516 93523 93524 93532 93534 93535 93536 93543 93544 93550 93551 93552 93553 93560 93561 93563 93591 93599 92371 92301 93203 93243
Cash Awards will total over $1,000. Jurors will select the Best of Exhibition, 2nd Best of Exhibition and 3rd Best of Exhibition awards donated by the Lancaster Museum & Public Art Foundation (LMPAF). Best of Exhibition winners will receive, in addition to their cash awards, the opportunity to participate in an exclusive portfolio review with MOAH's curators. As in years passed, LMPAF may choose to offer to purchase any Best of Exhibition award winner for inclusion in the Museum's permanent collection. This year, local artists may opt-in to be considered for the Emerging Artist Workshop Opportunity Award. The winning artist will be provided with small stipend to host an Emerging Artist Workshop, in which they will work with MOAH staff to organize a presentation on their work or technique to the public on Saturday, July 29th from 6 to 8 PM. Visitors are also encouraged to follow the Lancaster Museum of Art & History and vote for their favorite pieces using #MOAHPEOPLESCHOICE on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The artwork earning the most votes will receive a special prize at the closing of the exhibition. Many other awards are also available, including the Beryl Amspoker Memorial Award, the Dean Webb Memorial Photographic Award presented by the Lancaster Photography Association, an award presented by the Lakes and Valleys Art Guild, as well as, media awards and honorable mentions.
This year, MOAH and MOAH:CEDAR will only be accepting entries online through (CaFE). Artists must create a free account with CaFE. Once their account has been created, artists will be able to search for our call "MOAH 33rd All-Media Juried Arts Exhibition" Artist may then upload high resolution images of their work, video or audio files to CaFE and pay all applicable fees.
For a quick how to video click here.
MOAH will host two online submission workshops to assist local artists that are not able to submit their work online. MOAH staff will be on hand to work one-on-one with these artists to submit their work online on Thursday, April 25th from 3 to 6 PM.
1 Entry - FREE*
Each additional Entry - $5.00
*Each applicant will be charged a $2 processing fee
Artwork must be clean, dry and ready for exhibition. All 2D works must be framed and wired with D-rings or eye hooks. The hanging device, attached to 2 points on the back of the frame, should be strong enough to take the weight of the work without becoming stressed or warped. If using wire, ensure that it is not crimped, creating a weakness. Artwork must be no larger than 36 inches in any dimension and must weigh less than 50 lbs (3D work).
Any special display requirements or equipment of accepted works must be provided by the artist upon drop-off.
Notification and Drop-Off of Accepted Works:
Artists will be notified by email of accepted works by CaFE between Monday, June 5th and Wednesday, June 7th. Please be prepared to drop-off accepted works between Friday, June 9th and Saturday, June 10th from 11 AM to 5:30 PM.
Exhibition Schedule:
Online Submission Deadline - Thursday, April 26 at 5 PM
Notification of Accepted Artworks - Friday, April 27
Drop-Off of Accepted Artworks - Saturday, April 28 to Sunday, April 29; 11 AM to 5:30 PM.
Opening Reception - Saturday, May 5; 4 to 8 PM.
Best of Exhibition Portfolio Review - Thursday, May 10
Emerging Artist Workshop - Thursday, May 24; 6 to 8 PM
Artwork Retrieval - Work must be retrieved on Tuesday, June 5; 11 to 5:30 PM
MOAH:CEDAR's Regular Business Hours:
Thursday through Sunday; 2 to 8 PM
Monday to Wednesday; Closed